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The Art of Memory: Multimedia Arts Night at SJHS

On May 16th, our Spring Multimedia arts night was held at St. Boniface Oratory, just down the street from St. Joseph High School. On display were numerous paintings and drawings by students in Mr. Schebania Cantave’s art classes. Perhaps most striking to guests were the numerous portraits of Haitian children painted as part of the Memory Project.

The Memory Project is a charitable nonprofit organization that invites art teachers and their students to create and donate portraits to youth around the world who have faced substantial challenges, such as violence, disasters, extreme poverty, neglect, and loss of parents.

We want the portraits to help the children feel valued and important, to know that many people care about their well being, and to act as meaningful pieces of personal history in the future.  For the art students, we want this to be an opportunity to creatively practice kindness and global awareness.


Check out a video about the Memory Project!

In addition to the Memory Project portraits, the exhibit displayed paintings and sketches students made of CSJ founders, as well as friends and family members. There was also a showing of several sewable tech projects students completed through our partnership with Mouse Technology.

After the exhibit, attendees were invited to watch beautiful performances from the Chorus, Dance Team, Step Team, Video Production, Speech and Debate, and more!

Sing your heart out!

