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On March 23rd, student members of the SJHS Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers chapter received a visit from several NYU-Tandon SHPE members, who led a workshop on building a watercraft. Students were given a set of materials – straws, a paper cup, duct tape and wrapping paper – and were challenged to build a boat that would float, and not sink or capsize even when weight was added.


The Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers was founded in 1974 with the purpose of establishing networks of support and mentorship in STEM fields within the Hispanic community. Since its founding it has blossomed into a highly successful organization with professional and student chapters across the country. In addition to providing role models for young students and STEM professionals, and scholarships to assist Hispanic students on their path toward a STEM career, SHPE also provides academic programs that can be used in K-12 classrooms.


Here at SJHS we have benefited greatly from our partnership with the SHPE chapter at NYU-Tandon, and we are looking forward to more exciting and challenging workshops in the future!

Are you a student interested in getting involved with the SHPE at St. Joseph High School? Contact Mrs. Maysa Antonio ([email protected]) for more information!