“Go forth and set the world on fire.”  

– St. Ignatius

Guidance and College Counseling

The Guidance and College Counseling Program encourages students to reflect on their own lives, personal goals and belief systems.  The counselors guide each student through her journey of self-discovery.

Freshmen and sophomores develop interests, take intellectual risks and challenge their minds. They develop study and time management skills and learn to balance academic programs, which prepare them for college, with extracurricular programs, which prepare them for life.

Academic planning becomes fully integrated with college and career planning in Junior year as students begin considering colleges and programs of study. They participate in group sessions, learn interviewing skills and plan college tours and visits while gathering information about financial aid and scholarships and exploring topics for their college essays.  Juniors take their first SAT in early May and many participate in external preparatory classes for this test.

The Director of College Counseling and Guidance Counselors work closely with seniors throughout the selection and application process. Students learn how to select a list of colleges, complete applications, prepare for interviews and pursue available scholarships and financial aid programs.


Helpful Links For All Students

The Application Process 

Download the Powerpoint Presentation 

Downtown Alliance After School Programs


Minds Matter
Apply in March of freshman year

Opportunity Network
Apply in January of sophomore year

Questbridge Program for Juniors

Brooklyn Academy of Music

Harlem Education Activities Fund (HEAF)

Programs for career, college, counseling, health issues, legal assistance

Columbia University S-PREP
Academics; college and career planning workshops

Upward Bound Programs
Pace University

Roads to Success
College access and career Development Programs

LEDA Leadership Institute
Summer Program

Sadie Nash Leadership Project
(both summer and school year programs)

Upcoming Events

HEOP Scholars day at Barnard: Friday 10/05/2018  9:00am

SUNY College Fair at the Jacob Javitz Center: Wednesday 10/10/2018 from 1-3 with Mr. Giordano (pre-register)

SAT: October 6th, 2018

FAFSA Open: October 1st, 2018

NACAC performing and visual arts college fair at Jacob Javitz: November 5th from 6:30 – 9:00pm (pre-register) http://www.gotomystemfair.com/

Union Diversity overnight program: October 21-22. Apply ASAP at union.edu/gtku. Deadline September 24th

Tufts University Admissions workshop: September 24th at 7pm at the Hunter College High School Auditorium. RSVP at admissions.tufts.edu/visit/in-your-area.

Saint Joseph High School College Visit Day: October 10th, 2018 9 am – 12 pm

NACAC STEM College Fair at the Jacob Javitz Center: October 14th from 1-4 (Pre Register)gotomystemfair.com/

Black College Expo (bring transcript): September 29th from 9-5 at Medgar Evers College

Big Apple College Fair: October 21st 1-4 at Jacob Javitz

NYSACAC Regional College fair: October 22nd 10-12 at Saint Joseph’s College

counseling icon


SJHS uses Naviance, a computer based platform, to guide students as they begin to explore college and careers.  Students create a plan for their future by discovering their individual strengths and learning styles.

List of College Acceptances