Chemistry teacher Ms. Geny Ventura, one of the most loved and respected teachers at St. Joseph High School, has been teaching here for 12 years. We decided to interview Ms. Ventura about her passion for Chemistry and her love for teaching:
How did you discover your interest in/passion for your subject?
When I was in high school, my chemistry teacher was amazing. She became a role model for me growing up and was the person who helped develop my passion for chemistry.
It is one thing to study something, and quite another to teach it! What inspired you to be a teacher? What do you enjoy most about teaching?
Because I love chemistry so much, I enjoy sharing that knowledge with others. It is motivating to see students so eager and willing to learn. The glow in their eyes when a topic suddenly “clicks” is what inspires me to teach.
What are the biggest challenges you face as a teacher?
Adapting to the many different learning styles that different students have.
How does what you do now connect to your childhood dreams?
Growing up, it actually wasn’t my dream to be a teacher. However, as I got older, I realized my passion for the career and decided to pursue it.

You are known as a teacher who students can come to outside of class, to talk about life, to share their struggles and joys; what causes you to have this openness to and care for students?
I want my students to learn and I genuinely want them to succeed in life as a whole, not just academically. I love learning about each of the students I teach as an individual. After all, we’re all just people with a story at the end of the day, and I love listening to others tell me what they’ve gone through.
What advice would you give to young women who are interested in becoming teachers?
Teach a subject you’re passionate about. If you’re not teaching something you love, you will not grow to love teaching students. Also, everyone is different. We all have different methods of learning, and it’s important to consider that when you are teaching. Finally, have patience. That’s the single most important trait that a teacher can have.
Thank you, Ms. Ventura! We are so grateful for your many years of service to St. Joseph High School.
Are you an alumna or current student with a favorite teacher you think we should interview? Shoot an email to Rose Tomassi at [email protected]!