Summer School... for Teachers! While our students were enjoying their summer vacation, many SJHS teachers were hard at work learning and growing as educators. Here's a taste of some of the amazing Professional Development opportunities our faculty and staff tookRead More
Discovering the World through AP Art History Now that our school has received AP (Advanced Placement) course certification, many SJHS teachers have been signing up for Professional Development courses to help prepare them to teach these classes. Last summer, EnglishRead More
Launching a Cyber Security Course at SJHS A wonderful new opportunity awaits SJHS students who are interested in expanding their knowledge of STEM fields. This summer, Ms. Green and Mr. Mobijohn participated in an intensive 3 week training program inRead More
SJHS will participate in Civic Spirit Program We are proud to be one of twelve schools participating in a three-year pilot program called Civic Spirit. This summer members of our faculty and administration, Mr. Dennis Kallo and Ms. Elizabeth Peralta, will participateRead More
This summer, SJHS Director of IT and FabLab teacher Mr. Matthew Mobijohn went to camp! At Camp Invention, a K-4th grade summer camp developed by the National Inventors Hall of Fame and hosted by St. Bernadette’s Catholic Academy in DykerRead More