Alumnae, Coaches, Athletes, Teams and Benefactors Honored in First Annual Athletics Celebration! Over the past two years, our Athletics program here at St. Joseph High School has grown by leaps and bounds. After a first ever Championship win in 2016-17,Read More
The Art of Memory: Multimedia Arts Night at SJHS On May 16th, our Spring Multimedia arts night was held at St. Boniface Oratory, just down the street from St. Joseph High School. On display were numerous paintings and drawings byRead More
As the Lady Conquerors stepped, they interlaced their vibrant routine with proclamations and exhortations that were related to King’s claim that, “We are all caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, tied into a single garment of destiny.” It isRead More
From The Tablet: “A Single Garment of Destiny”: Honoring MLK Jr. With Every Step, Every Sound Rumbling and thumping sounds echoed across the wooden floor in an auditorium in Manhattan Jan. 12. To the average ear, the stampede of sounds couldRead More