How do you spend your days off? Most of us would usually hope to sleep in, catch up on life, and relax. But often our students are not entirely sure what to do with their free time, and they askRead More
How often does an archeological discovery turn on its head everything we thought we knew about a particular place? In 1991, in the process of excavating land in lower Manhattan for a new Federal building, a historic burial ground wasRead More
SJHS will participate in Civic Spirit Program We are proud to be one of twelve schools participating in a three-year pilot program called Civic Spirit. This summer members of our faculty and administration, Mr. Dennis Kallo and Ms. Elizabeth Peralta, will participateRead More
For our latest Teacher Feature, we interviewed Social Studies teacher Ms. Mary Gallagher: How did you come to SJHS? How long have you taught here? What drew you to working here? Hi! My name is Ms. Gallagher! I came toRead More
For Samantha Acosta, a senior at St. Joseph High School, the opportunity to participate in the prestigious Sonia and Celina Sotomayor Judicial Internship Program this past summer was a dream come true. Though Samantha remembers her mom staying up allRead More